Stafford Visitors

par dev sur April 28, 2011

We were made up to see some old friends make their way to the Davida stand during the recent Classic Bike Show at Stafford April 23rd – 24th.

We’ve known Dick for more than 17 years. Not to let the re-opening of the Ace Cafe in 1994 go unrecorded we shot down there with a small crew to do a photoshoot. A few photos we took of Dick and his wife, Marie on that day became firm favourites in the Davida Image Database.  Pictured here with Sue our Financial Controller, Dick now has Baron Speedshop in Croydon and has always had a hands on approach to motorcycling as you can see from the image we took of of him and wife Marie at the Ace Cafe in 1994.

From left to right, the lovely Rick Parkington, ‘ how to do it’ Guru at Classic Bike with Paul d’Orleans of Vintagent.

Publishing Stalwarts, from left to right, Founder of BSH, Steve Myatt and Roger Willis former Editor of Bike Magazine and later British Dealer News

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